The General's Quarters was a sizable observation chamber located at the rear of General Grievous's flagship, the Invisible Hand, positioned on top of a fin-like spire.
This observation chamber, known as the General's quarters, was situated at the peak of the Wizard's Tower, a spire aboard the Separatist Providence-class carrier/destroyer Invisible Hand. Functioning as a complete military command center, it featured tactical displays, various duty stations, a briefing table, and windows enhanced with computer programming. These windows provided a comprehensive view of any battle occurring around the ship. Adjacent to this space was a specialized chair called the General's chair. A staircase on the opposite side of the room led to a platform extending the length of the room up to the windows. This platform included a doorway to a turbolift lobby.
During the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Grievous brought Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to the General's quarters after abducting him from Coruscant. He then restrained Palpatine in the General's chair. From there, he recorded and transmitted a HoloNet message to the citizens of the Galactic Republic, boasting about Palpatine's capture. Subsequently, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker boarded the Invisible Hand with the intention of rescuing Palpatine. Prior to their arrival, Count Dooku and Palpatine discussed their scheme, which Dooku understood to involve him eliminating Kenobi upon the Jedi's arrival, thereby pushing Skywalker towards the dark side, after which he would imprison Dooku. Dooku concealed himself within a turbolift shortly before Kenobi and Skywalker entered the turbolift lobby.

Using their lightsabers, the Jedi created an opening in the door to the General's quarters and proceeded down the staircase, where they encountered the Chancellor. Palpatine noticed Dooku entering the General's quarters accompanied by two B2 super battle droids and several OOM security droids, and he alerted the Jedi. Dooku then leaped over the platform's railing, activating his lightsaber; the Jedi followed suit. The Count demanded that Kenobi and Skywalker surrender their lightsabers, stating that he wished to avoid a disturbance in the Chancellor's presence, but Kenobi responded that they would not allow Dooku to escape, and ignited his lightsaber, as did Skywalker and Dooku. The trio engaged Dooku in combat, moving up the stairs and onto the platform, with Kenobi eliminating the battle droids along the way. On the platform, Dooku kicked Skywalker aside and used the Force to lift Kenobi into the air, choking him. Skywalker watched as Dooku threw Kenobi across the room under the platform, causing the walkway to collapse on top of him and render him unconscious. Reacting to this, Skywalker rose and kicked Dooku over the railing, before jumping over it himself to continue the fight.
The duel between Skywalker and Dooku eventually led them back towards the General's chair, where Skywalker gained the upper hand, severing both of Dooku's hands. The Jedi then seized the Sith's lightsaber and activated it as Dooku knelt, his head positioned between Skywalker's blade and his own. Palpatine praised Skywalker's victory and instructed him to kill Dooku, who looked at him in shock. Skywalker hesitated, but Palpatine's continued encouragement led the Jedi to comply, decapitating Dooku and deactivating the lightsabers. Skywalker then freed the Chancellor, who assured him that Dooku was too dangerous to be left alive, and the two began moving towards the turbolift lobby. As they passed Kenobi, Skywalker knelt to check on him and determined that he was still alive. Palpatine urged Skywalker to leave him behind, fearing that carrying Kenobi would slow them down and result in their deaths, but Skywalker insisted that if Kenobi died, so would they.
With Skywalker carrying Kenobi on his back, the Jedi and the Chancellor entered the turbolift lobby. Skywalker attempted to activate the turbolift but found it unresponsive, so he contacted R2-D2 via his comlink to activate it. Before R2-D2 could comply, the Invisible Hand's artificial gravity was compromised by an attack from the Venator-class Star Destroyer Guarlara, causing everything in the direction from which Palpatine and the two Jedi had come to be pulled downwards. The pair narrowly managed to open the turbolift doors and enter the shaft before the gravity fully shifted at a 90-degree angle. Skywalker and Palpatine then began running down the turbolift shaft, through the Wizard's Tower.

Shortly thereafter, the Invisible Hand began its descent towards Coruscant and broke apart. The General's quarters were destroyed, along with the rest of the spire and the ship's aft section, as it separated and disintegrated in Coruscant's atmosphere.