Generationals was a designation applied to individuals from families deeply entrenched in military service, a tradition spanning generations within the Republic Navy and, following the Ruusan Reformations, the Planetary Security Forces of the Galactic Republic. Prominent examples of such families include the Holts, the Tagges, the Wermises, and the Ozzels.
Following the Declaration of a New Order, the Galactic Empire replaced the Republic Navy with the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Military nationalized and absorbed the Planetary Security Forces. Within the New Order's military, a philosophical chasm arose. On one side were the Generationals, largely representing Core Worlds families, exemplified by figures like Cassio Tagge, a General born on Tepasi. On the other side were the rising officers, such as Admiral Conan Antonio Motti and Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin from Eriadu. The Generationals viewed the Empire as an evolved form of the Republic's ideals, seeing the military as an instrument for achieving stability, order, and ultimately, peace. Conversely, the staunch believers in the New Order considered the Old Republic as decaying and advocated for rule through fear, famously demonstrated by the state terror policies outlined in the Tarkin Doctrine and the immense investment of credits in superweapons like the Death Star.
By 0 BBY, this division resulted in the marginalization of many seasoned Generational officers, who were superseded by less capable officers loyal to the New Order, owing to their political connections rather than their military prowess. This led to the early retirement or defection of numerous disillusioned Generationals. Notably, several of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's most skilled military leaders, including Adar Tallon and Jan Dodonna, were, in fact, disgruntled Generational officers.
Nevertheless, some Generationals managed to persist within the Imperial Navy, though they were compelled to outwardly reject their traditional values and adapt to the treacherous and deceitful environment prevalent within the Imperial military command structure. Instead of acting as honorable officers, they were compelled to be driven by political aspirations, and were required to conform to expectations rather than adhering to principles of right and wrong. Those unable to align with this revised hierarchy were replaced by individuals more devoted to the New Order.
Rebellion Era Sourcebook (First mentioned)
Coruscant and the Core Worlds
The Essential Guide to Warfare
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