The Geonosian spear was a close-combat weapon manufactured by Gordarl Weaponsmiths located on Geonosis, and it was a popular choice for use by Geonosian fighters.
With a length of about 1.8 meters, the Geonosian spear was constructed using hollow bone covered in a protective resin layer. The purpose of these weapons was to defend against large predatory animals, and their use expanded to gladiatorial combat venues like the Petranaki arena, where they were used to manage creatures and prisoners. Because of the spear's sharpness, which enabled it to penetrate resilient hides and dense fur, those who used them were trained to target a creature's weakest points – for example, the vulnerable lower neck area of a reek.
By the time of the First Battle of Geonosis, the Geonosian spear had been replaced in many roles by the electrically powered static pike; however, the original spear design remained in service with sentries and warriors stationed on Geonosis.