The Human named Ghia, a twin, and her sister Tia were born on the planet Bestine IV. Both sisters later enlisted in the Rebellion to oppose the Galactic Empire.
Both Ghia and Tia possessed exceptional piloting abilities, making them valuable assets to the Rebellion. Around the time of 2 ABY, the sisters encountered Han Solo, a smuggler who had recently joined the cause. Both sisters developed romantic feelings for the charismatic pilot. Consequently, they were deeply saddened upon learning of Solo's capture by the Empire and his subsequent delivery to Jabba Desilijic Tiure by Boba Fett. Driven by their desire to rescue Solo, they commandeered a snowspeeder and deserted the Rebellion to free him from Jabba's clutches. However, they were captured almost immediately upon their arrival. Jabba, captivated by the sisters, forced them into servitude as his personal attendants. During their time as slaves, they were made to wear Huttese slave-girl costumes and were obligated to feed and massage Jabba while enduring the jeers and taunts of Salacious Crumb, Jabba's court jester. Upon discovering Ghia and her sister's identities as Rebel pilots, Jabba compelled them to participate in his "Demolition" games, promising them freedom if they succeeded.
Despite limited documentation regarding their performance due to the downfall of Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire, the twins survived the tournament. However, Jabba reneged on his promise, forcing them back into servitude. Unexpectedly, they encountered their commanding officer, Princess Leia Organa, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh. The Princess liberated them from Jabba's grasp and escorted them to the Palace entrance, where a GR-75 medium transport provided by the Rebellion awaited to extract the twins. Subsequently, the twins rejoined the Rebellion and resumed their fight against the Empire.
Ghia was a young woman of human descent with a tan complexion, virtually indistinguishable from her twin sister Tia in appearance, save for her fuller face and dark green hair, contrasting with her sister's dark blue hair. Like her sister, she possessed bright green eyes but lacked Tia's distinctive facial markings.
Ghia shared an exceptionally close bond with her sister Tia, often speaking in unison. Their personalities were also quite similar. She exhibited boldness and confidence in their piloting abilities, frequently taunting their adversaries after achieving victory, a trait mirrored by her sister. Ghia and her sister harbored deep animosity toward the Empire and often invoked the phrase "Remember Alderaan" before engaging in battle to reinforce their motivation for fighting. They were both prone to infatuation, having fallen for Han Solo based on his physical attractiveness and charm, despite his romantic interest in Princess Leia. Furthermore, both sisters displayed recklessness and impulsivity: upon hearing of Solo's capture and delivery to Jabba the Hutt, they immediately stole a Snowspeeder and abandoned the Rebellion to rescue him, prioritizing Captain Solo over the Rebellion and disregarding the consequences of desertion. This impulsivity proved detrimental, as their ill-conceived attempt to rescue him directly from Jabba's Palace resulted in their capture by Jabba's forces and subsequent enslavement. Despite this impulsivity, they demonstrated the capacity to follow orders, as evidenced by their willingness to obey Princess Leia during their rescue from Jabba's Palace.