The Gorms, hailing from the moon Gormdin, were a reptilian species. Despite relying on hunting for survival, they were generally regarded as a tranquil race. The Galactic Empire permitted the hunting of Gorms as a form of recreation. The New Republic, upon its rise to power, outlawed the practice of Gorm hunting.
Gorms were sentient reptilian beings that typically stood around 1.5 meters in height. Their form was humanoid and bipedal, with two arms and two legs. They possessed heads resembling those of lizards, characterized by large eyes and lengthy, pointed teeth. Each of their limbs terminated in sharp claws, and their leathery skin ranged in color from tan to light brown. They sustained themselves through hunting.
The Gorms made their home in the small forested regions on the plateaus of Gormdin, which is one of the eight moons that orbit Sarrelon IV. Their society was structured tribally, with independent communities dispersed across the planet. Their interactions with other Gorms and sentient beings were largely peaceful. Gorm tribes showed an aptitude for reaching agreements with minimal conflict.
The Sarrelon system was situated within the Brevost sector of the Expansion Region. Humans colonized Gormdin before 7 ABY. While the Gorms engaged amicably with these settlers, not all settlers reciprocated this behavior; some of the less refined settlements began hunting Gorms for sport, and hats and other clothing items crafted from Gorm hides were available for purchase in local shops.
Also before 7 ABY, Lohn Genden, a mercenary and terrorist, established his operational base within a cave network located beneath one of Gormdin's plateaus. The Gorms displayed no interest in these activities, opting instead to maintain their distance.
The Gorms have only been mentioned in Wanted by Cracken so far, which is a sourcebook supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was released in 1993 by West End Games.
- Wanted by Cracken (First mentioned)