Gorsh, a planet teeming with water, held the position of third planet within the Gorsh system. Its location resided in Wild Space, a staggering 100,000 light years distant from the Core. This world, primarily watery in nature, sustained a population of approximately 100,000 inhabitants.
Explorers working for Genetech Laboratories were the first to discover Gorsh. Subsequently, the Galactic Empire bestowed upon them complete dominion over the entire system. In short order, Genetech constructed an orbital laboratory circling the planet, fortified with moderately powerful defensive weaponry. The scientists stationed on this orbital lab dedicated their efforts to the development of diverse pharmaceutical products.
Water predominated the landscape of Gorsh. The majority of its surface was submerged beneath vast oceans, punctuated only by scattered, swampy archipelago formations. The climate was typically warm and humid throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 40 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere of Gorsh was largely composed of carbon dioxide. Consequently, Humans and most other species capable of surviving in a Type I Breathable Atmosphere experienced considerable difficulty and often succumbed to illness or incapacitation unless they utilized a breath mask.
The limited number of islands found on Gorsh were diminutive and swamp-like, resulting from volcanic activity and sedimentary accumulation millions of years BBY. The highest volcanic peak on Gorsh reached approximately 260 meters above the ocean's surface. Swamps enveloped the islands, extending up to the rocky, ash-covered mountain summits. Small tidal plains at the base of the islands were crisscrossed by waterways and streams. Certain swamp areas exhibited significant variations in water depth, posing a potential hazard to those who failed to assess the water's depth prior to traversing it.
The humid, swampy coastlines were frequently battered by storms originating from the ocean, and the active volcanoes were prone to eruptions, triggering substantial ecological changes.

A wide variety of plant and animal life thrived on Gorsh. Most had developed robust defense mechanisms to withstand the challenging jungle and swamp environments, and many possessed poisonous properties. Furthermore, the flora and fauna typically exhibited excellent camouflage, enabling them to seamlessly integrate into their surroundings.
One notable plant was the Gorshian hands of death. Its expansive, three-meter-wide leaves supported a carnivorous flower known to have consumed Human heads on multiple occasions. Another hazardous plant was the Darkkoninn, characterized by its alluring yet toxic black berries.
Insects and amphibians were the most prevalent animal species. The insects of Gorsh frequently carried infectious diseases capable of devastating a Human. One such creature was the Tesfli piercer, which transmitted the Rotting disease to its victims through its bite. Another animal inhabiting Gorsh was the Forntarch, an edible, arboreal, carnivorous rodent found in the swamps. The Thevaxan Marauder was arguably the most formidable animal on Gorsh. These elongated hunters, often surpassing the height of a man, displayed black, brown, or green coloration and occupied the apex of the Gorshian food chain.
Genetech identified numerous profitable opportunities for exploitation on Gorsh, particularly in the areas of mining and the refinement of specialized gases present in the planet's upper atmosphere, which were produced by specific surface-dwelling animals. Furthermore, the surface harbored a wealth of beneficial plants, animals, and gases that could be utilized in the creation of novel and improved medications. The Orbital Lab served as Genetech's operational hub, prioritizing functionality over comfort, but it contained all essential equipment and proved to be a highly lucrative asset for the company.
The Orgons, a race of intelligent plants, were a sentient species indigenous to Gorsh. Their vital organs were protected within a sturdy shell, typically measuring half a meter in diameter. Surrounding the shell were six to eight tentacles, which they employed for locomotion and nutrient absorption. The Orgons commonly deposited clusters of red goo on berries and other plants, which would rupture upon contact, causing skin irritation to Humans.