A gossamer glider served as an escape craft for the Rebel Alliance. Its design primarily featured a compact, single-occupancy cockpit accompanied by a pair of delicate gossamer wings.
During 1 ABY, Hume and Leia Organa found themselves targeted by the Galactic Empire while traveling on a space shuttle. As a lone TIE/LN starfighter launched volleys intending to cripple the shuttle, Hume proposed that Leia make her escape using the ship's gossamer glider. Upon her refusal, he incapacitated her and launched her towards Phelarion. Shortly thereafter, the shuttle met its destruction, resulting in Hume's death. The glider experienced a crash landing on Phelarion, but Leia emerged unscathed. Subsequently, Darth Vader's stormtroopers recognized the glider as property of the Rebels.