
The Greethka represented a sizable lifeform that inhabited the world of Prakith, which was a planet.

Biological Attributes and Physical Traits

Fully grown Greethka individuals could measure as much as two meters across. Their forms varied greatly, ranging from round shapes to flattened, pancake-like appearances. Regardless of their specific shape, all Greethka possessed three lengthy pseudopods. These could be extended from any part of their body and were used to seize food. Greethka generally favored habitats consisting of expansive ponds nourished by subterranean water sources, although occasionally they opted to reside in swiftly flowing rivers. Their dietary habits were extremely broad, and without proper dietary management, their growth would become unmanageable.

Greethka were capable of detecting heat through specialized sensory organs located just beneath the surface of their external membranes. While lacking the ability to see or hear, they possessed the capacity to perceive any object or entity situated on the ground in their immediate vicinity.

Historical Information

The Stereb, a sentient race native to Prakith, dispatched herders to manage the food intake of the Greethka. This was done so they could be utilized to consume undesirable waste materials. In the initial period of the Galactic Empire, Herdr'tui, a Stereb herder, was assaulted by Imperial forces, resulting in the loss of control over the Greethka in his charge. The creature subsequently wandered into a cavern filled with debris, where it consumed vast quantities of Imperial refuse, leading to excessive growth and a disobedient nature.

