Gresia Vleen

Gresia Vleen, a brown haired commander with her hair tied back, captained the Interdictor cruiser Tory's Catcher while patrolling the Noonian sector. Her physique was athletic and drew the attention of many Human males.

Despite her composed exterior, Vleen possessed a volatile temper. She was infamous for executing disrespectful freighter captains at close range and destroying ships that violated protocol. She personally examined every cargo crate and had Imperial technicians thoroughly search maintenance ducts and engineering areas. Accompanied by multiple squads of stormtroopers, she consistently ordered the complete securing of vessels before any inspection commenced.

Driven by a desire to demonstrate her capabilities as an Imperial captain, she was exceptionally thorough. She demanded absolute compliance during inspections. Freighter captains who stared at her risked facing the business end of a blaster.

Before 1 ABY, Vleen apprehended smugglers Thi Sawrtin and Zayl Braith as they attempted a standard smuggling operation within the Noonian sector. Sawrtin's attempt to bribe Vleen resulted in his immediate execution. Subsequently, Sawrtin's vessel was seized, and Braith was sentenced to imprisonment on Rol II.


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