Grubbat Fhilch

Grubbat Fhilch, a Lepi character, possessed blue-gray fur, lengthy ears, and a notably long, bushy tail.


Fhilch engaged in the act of embezzling money from Jabba Desilijic Tiure's podracing gambling enterprise. This action prompted the Hutt to place a bounty upon Fhilch's head as a consequence.

Boba Fett accepted the bounty, located him at his residential warren, and subsequently returned him to Tatooine. He met his end there, as he was executed by being thrown into a sarlacc. Prior to his demise in the sarlacc pit, he vowed vengeance upon Fett. Considering Fett's subsequent consumption by a different sarlacc, and the fact that this particular sarlacc originated from a spore emitted by the very sarlacc that consumed Fhilch, it could be argued that his revenge was ultimately realized.

Behind the scenes

The designation "Grubbat" appeared within the The Starhoppers of Aduba-3 article, serving as an illustrative example of a Lepi name, which thereby confirmed Fhilch's species. Nevertheless, in contrast to the majority of Lepi, including Jaxxon, Fhilch exhibited a lengthy and bushy tail.

