Guardian-class patrol ship

Guardian-class patrol ships, also designated as XL-5 Guardians, represented a relatively small number of combat airspeeders employed by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Despite their widespread desirability within the Imperial Military, the majority of these craft were utilized by Imperial Intelligence.


A Guardian-class patrol ship fires on the Millennium Falcon.

Although they were not primarily designed for combat, Guardian ships were equipped with a pair of blaster cannons, positioned on the left side and the underside on the right. These armaments could be operated independently, with the pilot controlling the left cannon and the co-pilot managing the right. When fired separately, each cannon possessed the capability to target threats to the side or directly ahead. Alternatively, they could be set to both fire forward, and linked to increase their combined firepower.

In terms of aesthetics, the Guardian shared design similarities with the MB-C1 medium transport.

Several versions existed, with the XL-3 and XL-5 being the most frequently encountered.


Guardian-class vessels were most notably deployed as components of the Imperial defense forces protecting the Imperial Freight Complex situated on Byss during the events of Operation Shadow Hand, or as patrol units on other heavily populated Imperial core worlds.

The main function of the Guardian-class patrol ships was surveillance, rather than direct engagement. On Byss, they executed patrols along randomly selected routes, enabling a few hundred ships to effectively monitor the entire planet. They used advanced scanners and probescopes to track aerial traffic. Furthermore, each Guardian functioned as a central coordination point for several dozen Hunter-Killer probots. Should a Hunter-Killer encounter difficulties or become inoperable, the Guardian's crew could quickly arrive on the scene to deploy replacement probots, request additional support from headquarters, and serve as forward observers.

Certain Imperial Intelligence Guardian ships were disguised to resemble civilian vehicles, and enhanced with more advanced sensors. These modified craft were used for espionage, discreetly observing individuals suspected of being enemies of the Empire.

All Guardian ships were also capable of serving as prisoner transports, offering space for up to twelve detainees.


During a rescue mission on Byss that took place in 10 ABY, the Millennium Falcon was pursued by a Guardian-class ship after it entered Security Zone One surrounding the Emperor's Citadel. The patrol ship's gunner was deceived by Leia Organa Solo's abilities with the Force into thinking that the ship had vanished from all sensor readings, including his visual display. His commanding officer expressed dismay at the gunner's incompetence, as he remained unaffected by the illusion and could clearly see the ship in front of them.

