Guild of Vindicators

The Guild of Vindicators constituted a group of religiously zealous individuals functioning within the same spatial vicinity as Cheelit. Lady Dhol, the leader of Cheelit, famously dismissed them with the phrase "those stealers-of-eggs". A small skull clasp, worn at the throat of a coarse, brown robe, served as their emblem. They rigidly adhered to a doctrine of retributive justice, advocating that only death could atone for transgressions, reflecting an eye-for-an-eye mentality. Their opposition to the Imperial regime's cruelties, coupled with their employment of assassins such as Clat the Shamer, resulted in open hostilities with the Empire. Consequently, they compelled Dhol's involvement in a plot, an attempt, to eliminate Darth Vader as retribution for his extensive wrongdoings.

