
The Gulletbeast existed as a non-sentient predatory aquatic species, inhabiting the oceans of the world known as Lamaredd.


A Gulletbeast?

This creature called the Gulletbeast, found in the seas of Lamaredd, possessed a physical form somewhat reminiscent of a whale. It had a powerful tail and broad, webbed fins that facilitated rapid movement through the water. Notably, Gulletbeasts possessed the ability to see even in complete darkness. The largest specimen ever recorded by Humans reached a length of 750 meters from head to tail, and its mouth measured an astonishing 200 meters in width.

A common hunting strategy involved swimming with its mouth agape, enabling the Gulletbeast to consume anything that crossed its path, including other fish, as very few organisms in its environment were larger than itself. Even Human-operated trawlers were susceptible to being swallowed whole. In such events, resourceful and calm crew members could potentially survive by targeting a sensitive nerve cluster located on the roof of the creature's mouth with all available weaponry. Damage to this area would trigger the Gulletbeast to eject everything from its mouth. However, the captain's skill would then be tested, as the vessel, now filled with water, could still capsize.

Gulletbeasts exhibited territorial behavior, displaying hostility towards the presence of other members of their species within their established domains. However, for one month every four years, they entered a period of mating season, causing the southern waters to become densely populated with Gulletbeasts engaging in fierce competition for the privilege of mating with a chosen pair.


The existence of Gulletbeasts was first documented when Hugo Bartyn and his followers colonized Lamaredd, approximately five centuries prior to the Battle of Naboo. As Bartyn's Landing was primarily a fishing settlement, Gulletbeasts represented a significant danger and were the most dreaded predators encountered by the fishermen. Over time, the fishermen learned about the Gulletbeasts' mating rituals, allowing them to capitalize on these periods. They also equipped their vessels with energy weapons for defense, despite the scarcity of replacement power cells on a planet where gunpowder was often rendered unusable by the humid environment of a fishing vessel.

Recognizing the threat they posed, Hugo Bartyn, an accomplished hunter, attempted to eradicate the Gulletbeasts, but his efforts proved unsuccessful. Five centuries later, Gulletbeasts continued to inhabit the waters of Lamaredd, occasionally attacking even large ferry vessels.

In 29 BBY, the indigenous sentient species known as the Menahuun began launching attacks on fishing trawlers. The disappearance of these boats at sea led the local population to incorrectly assume that the Gulletbeast population had experienced a surge.

