
The main species inhabiting the Habassa system were the Habassa.


For thousands of years, they maintained a policy of isolation, remaining largely uninvolved with the affairs of the Galactic Republic. Even the Galactic Empire did not actively seek them out. Despite their self-imposed seclusion, the Habassa utilized spacecraft commonly found across the galaxy, including CR90 corvettes.

Their initial participation in the Galactic Civil War occurred during an Imperial attack on a Rebel B-wing starfighter construction site, which involved Assault Gunboats along with CR90 corvettes. Although the Rebels repelled the assault, they were compelled to abandon the construction site. The Habassa dispatched the vessel Habatok 2 to extract the station's personnel, and the evacuation was carried out successfully.

Subsequently, the Rebel Alliance sought to enlist the Habassa as a new ally. Following a conference held aboard the Independence, the Habassa officially joined the Alliance, although they preferred to project an image of neutrality to the outside world. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the Empire from launching attacks against them. The Empire subjected a segment of the Habassa population to enslavement, but the Alliance liberated them. Subsequently, the Habassa played a role in assisting the Alliance in the destruction of the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless.

Furthermore, the Habassa guided the Alliance to the Hoth system as a potential location for their new headquarters.

