Hachete (droid)

Hachete is the designation Darth Maul assigned to a Duelist Elite droid that he employed for lightsaber combat practice.

The droid's moniker, Hachete, was derived from its weaponry: two hachetes, which were double-bladed weapons, each about the size of a Human forearm. Constructed with a blaster-resistant durasteel frame, it also possessed a diverse set of martial arts techniques programmed within it, enabling it to move slightly faster than Humans. Originally, the droid included a safety feature preventing fatal blows after victory, but the Sith Lord eliminated this restriction. During a training session in 32.5 BBY, Maul defeated Hachete, along with three other Duelist Elites, Chain, Cudgel, and Rapier, by crushing its head with his foot; however, the damage sustained was not irreparable.

