Here's a significantly altered version of the MDX content, preserving meaning, markdown syntax, code blocks, frontmatter, and links:
**Halomar Corros** was a [male](/article/gender/legends) [Human](/article/human/legends) who achieved the rank of [general](/article/general/legends). During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war/legends), he fought for the [Alliance to Restore the Republic](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic/legends). Corros was given the responsibility of [commander](/article/commanding_officer/legends) at [Reginard Base](/article/reginard_base), where he managed the daily functions of the installation. When the _[Limping Lady](/article/limping_lady)_, a [YT-1300 light freighter](/article/yt-1300_light_freighter/legends), docked at the base, Corros was there. The ship carried independent [spacers](/article/spacer/legends) holding a [data cartridge](/article/data_cartridge) with crucial data regarding [Imperial](/article/galactic_empire/legends) [warship](/article/warship/legends) activity. Later, he witnessed the apparent [succumbing](/article/death/legends) of [Adonar Dellox](/article/adonar_dellox), the base's head [technician](/article/technician/legends), to the lethal [triflexia](/article/triflexia) disease. However, [Major](/article/major/legends) [Tanya Madera](/article/tanya_madera), an Imperial [spy](/article/spy/legends) acting as his second-in-command, had actually murdered him. Madera's actions nearly led to the discovery of [Reginard](/article/reginard) Base by Imperial forces, but a group of Rebel [agents](/article/agent/legends) stationed there saved Corros's command.
Corros also played a key role in bringing [Dirk Harkness](/article/dirk_harkness) into the Alliance. They encountered each other on [Kelada](/article/kelada/legends) during a mission where the general intended to meet with [Chessa Dohhenty](/article/chessa_dohhenty), an Alliance [operative](/article/operative). Before Corros could meet her, [Imperial](/article/galactic_empire/legends) [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper/legends) killed Dohhenty. Harkness, her partner, retaliated by killing multiple stormtroopers before escaping. Corros found Harkness in a [cantina](/article/cantina/legends) called [Lorana's Labyrinth](/article/lorana%27s_labyrinth) and immediately recruited him.
## Biography
### Commanding Reginard Base
During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war-legends), Halomar Corros, a [male](/article/gender-legends) [Human](/article/human-legends), served the [Alliance to Restore the Republic](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic-legends). As a [general](/article/general-legends), a [rank](/article/military_rank-legends) he achieved, Corros was in [command](/article/commanding_officer-legends) of [Reginard Base](/article/reginard_base). This secret Rebel outpost was located on the deserted [planet](/article/planet-legends) [Reginard](/article/reginard), situated within the [Pakuuni sector](/article/pakuuni_sector) of the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories-legends).
Corros was a founding member of the team that established the Reginard outpost, and he personally conducted a comprehensive planetary survey. His responsibilities involved managing the day-to-day activities at Reginard Base. He spent most of his [time](/article/time-legends) in the command center, monitoring screens and tracking data. His quarters at Reginard Base were simple, containing only a [bed](/article/sleeper_(furniture)), a desk, and a locker. He did, however, keep a [holoportrait](/article/holoportrait) of the [Jedi General](/article/jedi_general-legends) [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi-legends) above his desk.
In [0 ABY](/article/0_aby-legends), not long after the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin-legends), Corros welcomed a group of independent [spacers](/article/spacer-legends) aboard the _Limping Lady_, a [YT-1300 light freighter](/article/yt-1300_light_freighter-legends), to Reginard Base. They had acquired a [data cartridge](/article/data_cartridge) on [Tatooine](/article/tatooine-legends) containing details about [Imperial](/article/galactic_empire-legends) [warships](/article/warship-legends). The cartridge had belonged to a [Rebel agent](/article/unidentified_rebel_agent) who was [killed](/article/death-legends) by [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper-legends). The spacers discovered the coordinates for Reginard Base etched on the cartridge and sought to deliver the information to the Alliance. Corros appreciated their efforts and expressed interest when they showed a willingness to join the Alliance. He subsequently used the data to track Imperial [starship](/article/starship-legends) movements.
### Crisis on Reginard
#### The technician's death
alt="Captain Franco served under General Carros on Reginard Base."
Captain Franco served under General Carros on Reginard Base.
At one point during the Galactic Civil War, Reginard Base suffered a power outage. Corros, who was in the command center, was summoned to a storage bay after the emergency systems activated. He arrived with his second-in-command, [Major](/article/major-legends) [Tanya Madera](/article/tanya_madera), and found a group of Rebel [agents](/article/agent-legends) who were stationed at the base as a supply and transport team. They had discovered the corpse of [Adonar Dellox](/article/adonar_dellox), the base's chief [technician](/article/technician-legends). Dellox's face and neck were severely swollen and [colored](/article/color-legends) a deep red. It appeared he had fallen ill and collapsed onto a [passive sensor array](/article/passive_sensor_array) he was working on. The fall damaged the [sensor](/article/sensor-legends) array, causing a short circuit that sent a power surge through the cable connecting it to the base, affecting the entire power system.
[Captain](/article/captain-legends) [Tony Franco](/article/tony_franco), the base's [starfighter](/article/starfighter-legends) commander, soon joined Corros, along with junior technician [Kim Yeasson](/article/kim_yeasson) and [Doctor](/article/doctor-legends) [Akimbo](/article/akimbo), the base's [chief medical officer](/article/chief_medical_officer). Akimbo immediately began investigating, ordering a [detox team](/article/detox_team) to secure the body and asking if anyone had touched it. As the body was taken for an [autopsy](/article/autopsy-legends), Akimbo promised to keep Corros informed. The general then explained to the Rebel agents that the sensor array Dellox was working on was meant to improve Reginard Base's sensor coverage in the [star system](/article/reginard_system). To avoid detection, the base only used passive omnidirectional sensors. This meant they could only scan half the planet and system, as the rest was hidden by Reginard's mass. The array was to be installed on an island on the opposite side of the planet to ensure complete sensor coverage.
#### The phantom epidemic
alt="Doctor Akimbo conducted extensive testing to diagnose triflexia."
Doctor Akimbo conducted extensive testing to diagnose triflexia.
Several [hours](/article/standard_hour-legends) later, Akimbo informed Corros that Dellox had died of [triflexia](/article/triflexia), a highly contagious and deadly disease that caused [blood](/article/blood-legends) vessels to swell to three times their normal size. This increased blood pressure, stopped oxygen exchange in the [lungs](/article/lung-legends), closed the esophagus, and crushed [brain](/article/brain-legends) tissue. Corros immediately ordered all base personnel to report for testing and quarantine anyone showing symptoms.
Unbeknownst to Corros, Dellox's death was not due to contagion. Major Madera, his second-in-command, was an Imperial [spy](/article/spy-legends) tasked with infiltrating an Alliance base and broadcasting its location for an Imperial attack. She had installed components in the sensor array to transmit a Stellar Class [starport](/article/spaceport-legends) beacon. Dellox discovered her sabotage, and she killed him with a [needler pistol](/article/needler-legends) firing darts coated in triflexia [bioengineered](/article/bioengineering-legends) by the Empire to act as a [poison](/article/poison-legends). While Akimbo investigated, Madera killed another patient, an [X-wing](/article/t-65_x-wing_starfighter-legends) [pilot](/article/rebel_pilot-legends) in quarantine, to make the triflexia appear to be spreading naturally. Meanwhile, the Rebel agents helped fix the sensor array, earning Corros's gratitude.
#### Imperial inspection
Once the sensor array was repaired, Corros instructed the Rebel agents to transport it to the other side of the planet and place it on a bare hill in a [forest](/article/tree-legends) on a large island. The array would activate once connected to a medium [power fusion generator](/article/power_fusion_generator). The agents, with Madera's assistance, completed the task and returned to Reginard Base. About an hour from the base, Corros detected a ship with a scrambled [transponder](/article/transponder_code-legends) heading straight for the new sensor array. He ordered the agents to investigate. They discovered [smuggler](/article/smuggler-legends) [Hawker Bryce-Kelley](/article/hawker_bryce-kelley) and his ship, the _Queen's Victory_. He was fleeing [Imperial Customs](/article/imperial_office_of_customs-legends), had detected the Stellar Class beacon, and hoped to land at the non-existent spaceport. The agents realized the sensor array had been tampered with, and Madera attacked them to prevent them from deactivating the beacon. The agents prevailed, defeating Madera and shutting down the array.
Corros then reported the arrival of an [Imperial Customs Frigate](/article/imperial_customs_frigate) tracking Bryce-Kelley's ship. The [frigate](/article/frigate-legends) [517](/article/imperial_customs_frigate_517) had briefly detected the beacon in the uninhabited system. To protect Reginard Base's secrecy, the agents intercepted the frigate and allowed a boarding and inspection. The agents acted contrite and helpful to [Customs Inspector](/article/customs_inspector) [Buudro](/article/buudro), answering his questions about their business and whether they had encountered the _Queen's Victory_. Satisfied with their answers, Buudro withdrew, leaving Reginard Base undetected.
### Kelada
alt="Dirk Harkness was recruited by Corros into the Alliance."
Dirk Harkness was recruited by Corros into the Alliance.
Shortly after the destruction of the Empire's [Death Star](/article/ds-1_orbital_battle_station-legends) [superweapon](/article/superweapon-legends) at the Battle of Yavin, Corros and Captain Franco traveled to [Kelada](/article/kelada-legends) in the [Duluur sector](/article/duluur_sector-legends) of the [Colonies](/article/colonies-legends). There, they were supposed to meet with [Chessa Dohhenty](/article/chessa_dohhenty), an [operative](/article/operative) smuggling equipment for the Alliance aboard the _Colders Watch_. Imperial stormtroopers discovered her and killed her during a [lightfight](/article/lightfight). [Dirk Harkness](/article/dirk_harkness), her lover, witnessed the event and shot down several stormtroopers before fleeing the [hangar](/article/hangar-legends) where the _Colders Watch_ was docked. He ended up in the [cantina](/article/cantina-legends) [Lorana's Labyrinth](/article/lorana%27s_labyrinth). Corros and Franco learned of Dohennty's fate, tracked Harkness to the cantina, and recruited him as a technician at Reginard Base.
## Personality and traits
Corros had fair skin, thinning [hair](/article/hair-legends), and a beard.
Known for his quiet demeanor, he often stroked his beard when faced with difficult situations.
## Skills and abilities
Corros possessed strong leadership skills and a deep understanding of planetary systems and bureaucratic processes. He also received training in the use of a [blaster](/article/blaster-legends).
## Equipment
As a general in the Rebel Alliance, Corros wore standard military attire.
He always carried a blaster and a [comlink](/article/comlink-legends).
## Behind the scenes
The character Halomar Corros initially appeared in "[Limping Lady](/article/limping_lady_(article))," an article by [Peter M. Schweighofer](/article/peter_m._schweighofer) in the [sixth-fourth issue](/article/challenge_64) of the magazine [Challenge](/article/challenge_(magazine)), published in [September](/article/september) [1992](/article/1992). His first name was revealed in "[Death by Triflexia](/article/death_by_triflexia)", another article by Schweighofer in the [seventy-sixth issue](/article/challenge_64) of _Challenge_ in [1995](/article/1995). Due to their release outside the West End Games license, Corros's appearances in _Challenge_ magazine articles are considered ambiguously [canon](/article/canon) within the [Star Wars Legends](/article/star_wars_legends) continuity.
content="Death by Triflexia — Challenge 76 (First identified as Halomar) (Unlicensed)"
content="Limping Lady — Challenge 64 (First appearance) (Unlicensed)"
content="Chessas Doom — Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 (In flashback(s))"