Hammertong represents the complete, unedited audio rendition of the Star Wars Legends short fiction piece, "Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters"", penned by Timothy Zahn. This audiobook, narrated by Laura Esterman, saw its exclusive debut within the Star Wars: Three Book Cycle: Audio Boxed Set courtesy of Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing on September 1, 1994, taking the form of a supplementary cassette. Lars Hoel served as the director, with David Rapkin taking on production duties.
- ISBN 9780553473483 ; Released on September 1, 1994; Published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing; Cassette tape format [2]
- Included in the Star Wars: Three Book Cycle: Audio Boxed Set
- Find Star Wars, Hammertong - Timothy Zahn at www.abebooks.com (archived from its original location on August 29, 2024)