Han shot first

Here's the reworded MDX content, preserving the original meaning while significantly altering the sentence structure and wording:

[](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/79/kelly_and_george.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070902054422) 	<a href="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/79/Kelly_and_George.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070902054422" class="image"><img alt="Kelly and George" src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/79/Kelly_and_George.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20070902054422" decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="250" height="375" class="thumbimage" data-image-name="Kelly and George.jpg" data-image-key="Kelly_and_George.jpg" data-relevant="1" data-src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/79/Kelly_and_George.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20070902054422" /></a> 	 		 			[](/article/file:kelly_and_george.jpg) 		 		 		 			[George Lucas](/article/george_lucas) wearing a "Han shot first" T-shirt 		 	 

The phrase "**Han shot first**" alludes to [George Lucas](/article/george_lucas)' alterations made to the [original trilogy](/article/original_trilogy) films, specifically the [changes](/article/list_of_changes_in_star_wars_re-releases). It points to a specific modification in the [_A New Hope_](/article/star_wars:_episode_iv_a_new_hope) [Special Edition](/article/the_star_wars_trilogy_special_edition), concerning the cantina scene with [Han Solo](/article/han_solo) and [Greedo](/article/greedo). Originally, after Greedo's line, "I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time," Han responded with, "Yes, I bet you have" and then shot Greedo from under the table while Greedo was aiming a blaster. (Thus, not only did Han shoot first, but he was the only one to fire.) Lucas made this change because he didn't want Han to seem like a heartless killer, but rather someone acting in self-defense; a rumor suggests the original scene might have given the Special Edition a PG-13 rating, limiting its theatrical audience.

In the Special Edition, Greedo inexplicably fires at Han from close range and misses, after which Han shoots him. Later versions altered it again, depicting Han and Greedo firing almost simultaneously (though Greedo still shoots first), with Han evading Greedo's shot.

## The scene in various media

    alt="Greedos big miss in the 2004 DVD version of A New Hope"
Greedo's big miss in the 2004 DVD version of A New Hope

### Within the Scripts

The script dated January 15, 1976, depicts the scene as follows:

_Yes, I'll bet you have._

_Suddenly, the slimy alien vanishes in a bright flash. As the other patrons watch in amazement, Han retrieves his smoking gun from beneath the table. He then exits the cantina, tossing some coins to the bartender as he departs._

The March 15 script version mirrors this scene, but refers to [Greedo](/article/greedo-legends) simply as "Alien."

### Adaptations

The [novelization](/article/star_wars:_a_new_hope_(novelization)) presents a somewhat unclear version of this scene. It only mentions that "light and noise filled the little corner of the cantina," without specifying who fired first.

In the [second issue](/article/star_wars_(1977)_2) of Marvel's comic adaptation, Greedo speaks [Basic](/article/galactic_basic_standard-legends). [Han](/article/han_solo-legends) shot after Greedo threatened him, but before Greedo finished his sentence.

In the [Star Wars radio drama](/article/star_wars_(radio)) from [1981](/article/1981), Han is the only one to fire. After the shot, Han says, "Rest in peace, Greedo! I can shoot just as well under a table as across one." The canon novel [A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy](/article/a_new_hope:_the_princess,_the_scoundrel,_and_the_farm_boy) reuses this line.

### Star Wars: Behind the Magic

This CD-ROM includes deleted scenes, one of which presents an alternate take of the cantina sequence, specifically the encounter between Greedo and Han. This black-and-white work print lacks music and sound effects. Speaking his original lines as in the 1976 script, Greedo speaks English with a [Received Pronunciation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/received_pronunciation) accent. Han shoots him before Greedo can fire.

_Behind the Magic_ shows this earlier sequence alongside the altered "Special Edition" version from 1997, clarifying that Greedo's shooting was a later addition.

### New Canon

_A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy_ is the first retelling of this scene after the [Expanded Universe](/article/star_wars_legends) was discontinued in favor of a new [canon](/article/canon) continuity. The novel describes Solo reaching for his blaster and sliding it from its holster under the table while telling Greedo he doesn't have the money. When Solo says "Over my dead body!," Greedo draws his blaster, points it at Han's heart, and replies, "That's the idea. I've been looking forward to killing you for a long time." Solo responds, "Yeah. I'll bet you have." The narration then states, "Greedo disappeared in a blinding flash of white light as Han pulled the trigger. The thump as Greedo's body slumped onto the table made the other cantina patrons look over." Greedo firing a shot is not mentioned. In an interview before the book's release, author [Alexandra Bracken](/article/alexandra_bracken) said "Han, of course!" when asked about the matter.

However, _Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel_, a [2016](/article/2016) graphic novel adaptation of the films, shows the scene as it appears in the 2004 DVD, with both characters shooting at almost the same time and Greedo's shot missing widely. _Star Wars: A New Hope Cinestory Comic_, a similar title, presents the scene in the same way.

"[The Luckless Rodian](/article/the_luckless_rodian)" is a story from the 40th-anniversary anthology _From a Certain Point of View_, presenting the scene from Greedo's perspective. Greedo is never said to have fired or considered firing, and the last thing he saw was a flash of light and his last memory was of injustice. When asked if this made the theatrical version canonical, [Lucasfilm Story Group](/article/lucasfilm_story_group)'s [Matt Martin](/article/matt_martin) reiterated that the revised version is canon, as the book included contradictions.

When _A New Hope_ was released on [Disney+](/article/disney%2b), [The Walt Disney Company](/article/the_walt_disney_company)'s streaming service, on [November 12](/article/november_12), [2019](/article/2019), a slight change was made. While practically the same as the 2004 version, Greedo appears to say one untranslated word before shooting at Han. According to _Vanity Fair_, Lucas made this change before selling his company to Disney.

## George Lucas' Reasoning

Over the years, George Lucas has stated that he always intended Greedo to shoot first in the cantina. He initially wanted the scene to be ambiguous, so the exchange of fire was shot in close-ups. Lucas didn't want Han's first act in the film to be gunning someone down, making him a cold-blooded killer. Wide shots added in later releases made the encounter's results clearer. He explained that in classic showdowns, the hero always fires second, in self-defense, and the interpretation of Solo shooting first presented a bad example for younger viewers, rooted in the audience's desire for Solo to be a killer.

In 2015, librarian Kristian Brown presented an early script of the original _Star Wars_, claiming that _"based on the script, I can tell you 100%, Han shot first."_ However, Lucasfilm Publicity stated that the script appeared to be a "fan-made" replica.

## Repercussions in Star Wars Media

- In the novel _Han Solo at Stars' End_, published nearly seventeen years before the Special Editions, Han mentions preferring to shoot first, "as opposed to shooting second." [11]

- [Wedge Antilles](/article/wedge_antilles-legends) states in the [Shadows of the Empire novel](/article/star_wars:_shadows_of_the_empire_(novel)) that the second rule of self-defense is to shoot first and ask questions later.

- In the game _Star Wars: Battlefront II_, enemy troops may exclaim, "It's Solo, and he's shooting first—that's not fair!" when playing as Solo.

- _LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy_ and _LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga_ feature a cutscene where LEGO Greedo slams his fist on the table, tries to shoot Han, misses, and Han shoots him, turning Greedo into LEGO bricks. However, in the DS version of LEGO Star Wars II, Han distracts Greedo before shooting him. In the DS version of LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Greedo pulls out his gun before Han shoots him immediately.

- At the end of the _LEGO Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick_ mini-movie, Greedo is seen throwing darts in the cantina and missing the board from close range, possibly explaining why he missed Han.

- [Aaron Allston](/article/aaron_allston) referenced the issue in his novel _Legacy of the Force: Betrayal_. After a gun battle, [Leia](/article/leia_organa_solo-legends) replies that Han is fine, explaining, "Han shot first."

- In " [A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale](/article/a_hunter%27s_fate:_greedo%27s_tale) " from the _Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina_ anthology, Greedo's perspective shows him to be overconfident, even believing Han's words before his death and thinking they might become friends. While his death isn't shown from his perspective, it's implied that Han shoots first.

- After [Thrackan Sal-Solo](/article/thrackan_sal-solo)'s assassination in _Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines_ , [Boba Fett](/article/boba_fett-legends) remarked that Han should learn to shoot first.

- In _Legacy of the Force: Revelation_ , Jaina tells Fett that if he fights Han Solo, he should "remember to shoot first."

- Greedo appears as a minor character in the board game _Star Wars: Epic Duels_ . His power attack, "Desperate Shot," is a powerful attack, but if it misses, Greedo is killed. It's the only card where a miss is automatically fatal.

- Wizards of the Coast released a scenario for the _Star Wars Miniatures_ game called " [Who Shoots First?](/article/who_shoots_first%3f) ," featuring the cantina shootout.

- In _Underworld: A Galaxy of Scum and Villainy_ ( [Star Wars Insider 89](/article/star_wars_insider_89) ), an in-universe report states that Han "is prone to 'shooting first. ' "

- In the non-canon _Star Wars Tales_ spoof " [The Emperor's Court](/article/the_emperor%27s_court) ," Han Solo is prosecuted by Greedo's mother, [Neela](/article/neela) , who claims her son was shot first. The case is decided in Neela's favor, and Han is sentenced to be frozen in [carbonite](/article/carbonite-legends) and sent to [Jabba the Hutt](/article/jabba_desilijic_tiure-legends) .

- In _LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga_ for [Xbox 360](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/xbox_360) and [iOS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ios) , the "Shoot First" achievement is earned by killing Greedo with any Han Solo variant.

- In _Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron_ , [Col Serra](/article/col_serra) says in the [Ord Mantell](/article/ord_mantell-legends) cutscene that while Han doesn't shoot first with bounty hunters, the rest of the squadron does.

- The _Star Wars: The Old Republic_ Developer Blog entry ["Creating the Smuggler"](http://www.swtor.com/news/article/20090807_001) says, "Jedi may see things before they happen, but Smugglers always shoot first."

- In _LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out_ , when Han shot a [stormtrooper](/article/stormtrooper-legends) , [C-3PO](/article/c-3po-legends) commented, "Oh, my stars! Han shot first!" Han replied, "Of course I did. It was me or him. Why wouldn't I?" C-3PO stated, "That is a matter of some debate.".

- In the [2012](/article/2012) mobile game _Angry Birds Star Wars_ , a level on Tatooine features Greedo spying on Solo, [Chewbacca](/article/chewbacca-legends) , Skywalker, and Kenobi from a window in the Mos Eisly Cantina. Solo then blasts Greedo. [12]

    alt="Calrissian performing the Han Shot First dance move in Kinect Star Wars"
Calrissian performing the "Han Shot First" dance move in Kinect Star Wars

- In the 2012 game _Kinect Star Wars_ , Solo and [Lando Calrissian](/article/lando_calrissian-legends) can perform the "Han Shot First" dance move during the song "I'm Han Solo".

- Timothy Zahn's [2013](/article/2013) novel _Scoundrels_ includes a scene similar to the Greedo-Han encounter, but with a different bounty hunter. Han doesn't shoot first, and the shot misses due to Chewbacca's intervention.

- In _William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope_ , a non-canon retelling in Shakespearean style, the stage directions state "They shoot, Greedo dies." Solo then apologizes to the innkeeper and says, "And whether I shot first, I'll ne'er confess!" The audio edition of _William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return: Star Wars Part the Sixth_ includes a conversation where Shakespeare tells [Ian Doescher](/article/ian_doescher) he should have plainly stated that Han shot first. When asked directly for an "About the Author," Doescher stated, "Han Solo, says me and every other true fan out there." [13]

- In _Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars_ , a cantina customer says he wasn't sure who shot first.

- In the [Marvel](/article/marvel_comics) comic issue [Star Wars (2015) 13](/article/star_wars_(2015)_13) , Han points a [blaster rifle](/article/blaster_rifle) at [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker) 's kidnappers, demanding they release his friend. [Doctor](/article/archaeology) [Aphra](/article/chelli_lona_aphra) says, "You're not very good at this sort of thing, are you? If you were, you would've shot first and given warnings later."

- The [novelization](/article/star_wars:_the_force_awakens_(novelization)) of [Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens](/article/star_wars:_episode_vii_the_force_awakens) states that when [Finn](/article/finn) first saw Han Solo, he worried Solo might be the type "who shoots first and asks questions later."

- In the 2015 EA _Star Wars Battlefront_ [Companion](/article/star_wars_battlefront_companion) mobile game _Base Command_ , the Han Solo hero unit has the First Strike perk, where he "Fires first in combat."

- In _LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises_ episode " [Hunting for Han](/article/hunting_for_han) ," a patron in Maz Kanata's castle remarks that Han shot Greedo, but another interjects that Greedo shot first. [14]

- In the mobile game _Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes_ , Greedo's unique ability is called "Who Shot First?" and Han's is called "Shoots First."

- In the humor book _99 Stormtroopers Join the Empire_ , "One stormtrooper fails to shoot first" and is killed by Greedo.

- At the end of the [2018](/article/2018) movie _Solo: A Star Wars Story_ , Han shoots Beckett mid-sentence. Beckett admits that Solo made a "smart choice," as he was about to shoot him. [Lawrence Kasdan](/article/lawrence_kasdan), who co-wrote the script with [Jon Kasdan](/article/jon_kasdan), said that "There can be no question that Han shoots first." Kasdan Sr. confirmed this in an interview with [StarWars.com](/article/starwars.com) . [15]

- In _The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special_ , the time-space portal opens on Tatooine, dropping characters from many eras. Among them were Greedo and two versions of Han Solo - old and young. Greedo was bewildered. Old Han Solo asked young Han: "Do you wanna shoot first?", young Han replied: "After you", and they both shot Greedo at the same time. [16]

- In " [Decommissioned](/article/decommissioned) " and " [Battle Scars](/article/battle_scars) ," two episodes of _Star Wars: The Bad Batch_ , there is a [slot machine](/article/slot_machine) called [Lucky Shot](/article/lucky_shot) with the slogan "Always shoot first" in [Aurebesh](/article/aurebesh) .

- In the Marvel comic _Han Solo & Chewbacca 1_ , Han tells Greedo, "If you try to screw me over, double-cross me, do _anything_ that gives me a bad feeling... I'll _shoot first_ and ask questions later."

- In _LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga_ , the quest to unlock Greedo, "Ma Klounkee Most Foul", starts by speaking to three [Stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper) investigating the incident and wanting to know who shot first. The player speaks with six witnesses who evenly claim either Han or Greedo shot first. The Stormtroopers end the quest, saying the debate will never be resolved. In the game, Han and Greedo engage in a quickdraw duel while ducking behind the table, firing until they run out of ammo. Han then throws his blaster at Greedo's face, causing him to run off. The scene is placed before Han meets Luke and Ben.

- In the Marvel comic [Han Solo & Chewbacca 10](/article/han_solo_%26_chewbacca_10) , Han shoots [Corbus Tyra](/article/corbus_tyra) mid-sentence, but only in the shoulder, causing him to fall into the river. Tyra survives. [17]

- In _The Mandalorian_ episode " [Chapter 21: The Pirate](/article/chapter_21:_the_pirate) " [Greef Karga](/article/greef_karga) while arguing with [Gorian Shard](/article/gorian_shard) exclaimed, "He shot first!".

- In _LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy_ , Greedo and Han are both after the heart of [Princess](/article/princess) [Leia Organa](/article/leia_organa_solo-legends) , only for Greedo to "shoot his shot" first and end up with the rebel leader instead of Solo. [18]

## Reception

_A New Hope_ producer [Gary Kurtz](/article/gary_kurtz) believes the change weakened the scene's purpose, which was to show Han Solo's mercenary nature; he had to shoot Greedo to survive. [Harrison Ford](/article/harrison_ford), who played Han Solo, was apathetic when asked who shot first, while [Peter Mayhew](/article/peter_mayhew), Chewbacca's actor, simply responded with "[Uughghhhgh uughghhhgh huuguughghg](/article/shyriiwook-legends)."

## Sources

- The Not-So Magnificent Seven on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
- 7 Topics Star Wars Fans Love to Debate on StarWars.com (backup link)

## Notes and references