Counselor Harthan, a male human diplomat hailing from the Tion Hegemony, at one time possessed both C-3PO and R2-D2.
Approximately 5.5 BBY, he was summoned to mediate a resolution to the conflict between the Troob and [Hobor](/article/hobor] peoples on Tahlboor. This endeavor was almost derailed by his dependence on sabacc, his aversion to droids, and the machinations of his son, Jake, who sought to instigate a war of genocide to enable the Tion Hegemony to seize control of the sky cannon. Aided by C-3PO and R2-D2, he uncovered his son's betrayal; however, the two species found their peace through Mount Yeroc's request for Harthan to ask the Hegemony to leave them to govern themselves.