Hast Shipyards

The Hast Shipyards functioned as a significant repair and shipyard center for the New Republic at the planet of Hast. Their primary function was the repair of damaged warships so they could return to battle. These shipyards were also secretly used for important, classified projects.


The Hast Shipyards were selected to perform a substantial overhaul and repair on the New Republic's Imperial-class Star Destroyers known as the Emancipator and the Liberator. However, Imperial operatives uncovered the shipyards' location. Soon after, a sizable Imperial fleet attacked the yards, causing extensive destruction. In addition to significant damage to the two Star Destroyers, twenty corvettes, five frigates, and seven MC80 Star Cruisers were rendered inoperable. Due to the attack, the New Republic had to postpone a planned major offensive. The new government was also compelled to redirect funds to repair the large number of damaged vessels instead of building new ones.

Eventually, the shipyards were rebuilt and became one of the construction sites for the MC90 Star Cruiser. This gave the shipyards a unique status: aside from the main shipyards at Mon Calamari, Sluis Van was the only other place capable of building these advanced cruisers.


  • Dark Empire Sourcebook (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia (Under Hast)
  • The Essential Chronology
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
