Hero Twins

The Hero Twins represented a celestial occurrence, specifically a binary black hole system. These were situated in the vastness of deep space, remote from established space lanes and hyperspace jump locations. Their genesis occurred following the implosion of a pair of stars, which subsequently generated accretion disks as the black holes commenced to orbit each other. The resulting gravitational field warped realspace, producing the visual effect of the neighboring star clusters revolving around them.

In the year 17 BBY, this location served as the site for the inaugural trial of a weaponized iteration of Imperial scientist Galen Erso's investigations into kyber crystal energy amplification, a component of Project Celestial Power. Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic oversaw this experiment from aboard an appropriated Imperial Star Destroyer, accompanied by a team of researchers including Reeva Demesne and Professor Sahali. The trial substantiated the potential to utilize kyber crystals in a superlaser, which prompted ongoing studies aimed at boosting the weapon's energy capacity.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of the Hero Twins was in Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, a novel from 2016 authored by James Luceno.

