The Hijadoans represented the original Human inhabitants of the planet called Hijado.
Presumably, the Hijadoan people initially came to the planet from the Core thousands of years prior to the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. The Imperial Navy conducted a significant bombardment of the planet, resulting in a vast reduction of the Hijadoan population, during the initial stages of the New Order. This bombardment destroyed numerous significant cities, thereby creating a substantial need for medical care and other forms of aid for the Hijadoan people. Imperial warships worked to stop any assistance from getting to the planet, and a garrison was put in place to guarantee the Hijadoans did not engage in rebellious actions. Parlay Thorp, a doctor, spearheaded the assistance initiatives that aided the Hijadoans in recovering from the assault. She was astonished to discover that Hijadoans tended to live for a very long time, and possessed significant physical and emotional recuperative capabilities. Noneen informed her that Hijadoans lived for as long as they chose, even though he did allow her to collect samples of blood and tissue for additional research. She also came to understand that Hijadoans possessed the capacity to foresee the impending death of others, although they simply described death as departure.