The section titled History of the Ship, which is sometimes called History of the Vehicle, is a regular feature found within the Star Wars Starships & Vehicles magazine, a publication of De Agostini.
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 1 (History of the Ship: Millennium Falcon)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 2 (History of the Ship: TIE Advanced x1 Prototype)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 3 (History of the Ship: X-Wing Black One)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 4 (History of the Ship: Imperial-class Star Destroyer)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 5 (History of the Ship: History of the Vehicle: AT-AT)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 6 (History of the Ship: Imperial Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 7 (History of the Ship: Death Star)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 8 (History of the Ship: Boba and Jango Fett's Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 9 (History of the Ship: Razor Crest)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 10 (History of the Ship: Rebel Snowspeeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 11 (History of the Ship: AT-ST)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 12 (History of the Ship: A-Wing Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 13 (History of the Ship: Khetanna)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 14 (History of the Ship: Y-Wing Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 15 (History of the Ship: Jedi Interceptor)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 16 (History of the Ship: Luke Skywalker's X-Wing)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 17 (History of the Ship: Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 18 (History of the Ship: CR90 Antiblockade Corvette (Tantive IV))
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 19 (History of the Ship: AT-TE)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 20 (History of the Ship: TIE/sf Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 21 (History of the Ship: Naboo N-1 Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 22 (History of the Ship: B-Wing Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 23 (History of the Ship: Gungan Bongo Submarine)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 24 (History of the Ship: TIE/IN Interceptor Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 25 (History of the Ship: AT/M6)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 26 (History of the Ship: Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 27 (History of the Ship: Sandcrawler)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 28 (History of the Ship: AAT Tank)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 29 (History of the Ship: V-4X-D Ski Speeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 30 (History of the Ship: ARC-170 Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 31 (History of the Ship: Imperial TIE Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 32 (History of the Ship: The Geonosian Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 33 (History of the Ship: Trade Federation Control Ship)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 34 (History of the Ship: TIE/wi Modified Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 35 (History of the Ship: Nebulon-B Escort Frigate)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 36 (History of the Ship: AT-RT)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 37 (History of the Ship: UT-60D U-wing)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 38 (History of the Ship: TIE/sa Fighter/Bomber)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 39 (History of the Ship: Vulture Droid)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 40 (History of the Ship: Sphryna-class Corvette)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 41 (History of the Ship: The Executor: Super Star Destroyer)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 42 (History of the Ship: Hailfire Droid)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 43 (History of the Ship: M-68 Landspeeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 44 (History of the Ship: Naboo Royal Yacht)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 45 (History of the Ship: Soulless One)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 46 (History of the Ship: Imperial Speeder Bike)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 47 (History of the Ship: Venator-class Attack Cruiser)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 48 (History of the Ship: First Order Treadspeeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 49 (History of the Ship: Republic Cruiser)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 50 (History of the Ship: TIE Silencer)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 51 (History of the Ship: Republic Gunship)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 52 (History of the Ship: Cobb Vanth's Speeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 53 (History of the Ship: The Marauder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 54 (History of the Ship: Droid Tri-Fighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 55 (History of the Ship: Grievous' Wheel Bike)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 56 (History of the Ship: The Invisible Hand, Separatist Dreadnought)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 57 (History of the Ship: The Justifier)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 58 (History of the Ship: Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 59 (History of the Ship: All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 60 (History of the Ship: HAVw A6 Juggernaut)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 61 (History of the Ship: The Ninka)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 62 (History of the Ship: Zam Wesell's Speeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 63 (History of the Ship: The Libertine)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 64 (History of the Ship: MG-100 StarFortress SF-17)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 65 (History of the Ship: Corporate Alliance Tank Droid)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 66 (History of the Ship: TIE Dagger)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 67 (History of the Ship: Mok Shaiz's Luxury Speeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 68 (History of the Ship: XJ-6 Airspeeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 69 (History of the Ship: JJP-192 Limospeeder)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 70 (History of the Ship: Imperial Light Cruiser)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 71 (History of the Ship: Anakin Skywalker's Podracer)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 72 (History of the Ship: Inquisitorial Transport The Scythe)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 73 (History of the Ship: Fondor Haulcraft)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 74 (History of the Ship: Sith Infiltrator)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 75 (History of the Ship: Imperial Arrestor Cruiser)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 76 (History of the Ship: Tala Durith's Imperial Shuttle)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 77 (History of the Ship: Bestoon Legacy)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 78 (History of the Ship: Emergency Shuttle)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 79 (History of the Ship: Nightbrother)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 80 (History of the Ship: Customized Grav Scoot)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 81 (History of the Ship: Quadjumper)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 82 (History of the Ship: Mobile Tac-Pod)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 83 (History of the Ship: The Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 84 (History of the Ship: Riot Mar's Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 85 (History of the Ship: Z-95 Headhunter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 86 (History of the Ship: Ginivex Starfighter)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 87 (History of the Ship: V-wing)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 88 (History of the Ship: Mandalorian Gauntlet)
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 89 (History of the Ship: TIE/d Defender)