Kahr'corvh's signature
Honoghran, alternatively referred to as Noghrese, represented the indigenous language spoken by the Noghri species originating from the planet Honoghr. In his initial experience with Noghri speakers utilizing Honoghran, the protocol droid designated C-3PO achieved only a partial comprehension of the language, initially misinterpreting it as a variant of a bygone trade language.
The majority of Noghri possessed proficiency in both Honoghran and Basic; however, their vocal delivery often featured hushed, unsettling, and subdued tones. Nevertheless, their literacy was generally confined to their native tongue.
Individuals from other species who frequently interacted with the Noghri, notably Grand Admiral Thrawn and Leia Organa Solo, occasionally undertook the study of Honoghran to facilitate communication with them.