
Horch, a crime lord of the male persuasion, presided over the Kheedar Ring organization, which was based on the planet of Kheedar. During an assault on Kheedar by the forces of the Galactic Empire, Horch's palace became a key target because it housed laser weaponry.

Shortly after the Imperial attack, Noval Garaint, a bounty hunter, launched an assault on the Crime Lord's stronghold. The swift capture of Horch and his top subordinates ensued. Subsequently, Noval Garaint installed Horch as a mere figurehead to represent the criminal enterprise he previously commanded. By the peak of the Galactic Civil War's intensity, Horch had willingly relinquished all authority and influence, becoming a puppet controlled by Noval Garaint. He dedicated his time to intoxication via spice liquor, abandoning the management of his criminal empire.


  • Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim (First mentioned)
  • Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
