Horst Strage

Horst Strage was an admiral within the Imperial Navy, a male who served throughout the Galactic Civil War.


The Chimaera at the Battle of Endor.

By the time of 4 ABY, Strage held a position on the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Chimaera, serving as the third-ranking officer of Death Squadron, the defense force for the second Death Star.

During the Battle of Endor, Horst Strage met his death from an ion cannon blast. This event resulted in his First Officer, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, assuming the role of the new commanding officer for both the Chimaera and the entire fleet, following the destruction of the command ships Executor and Pride of Tarlandia.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Horst Strage appeared in Heir to the Empire, where he was identified as the "Chimaera's former captain".

