Hosrel XI, situated within the Hosrel system of the Centrality region, was a planet found in the Outer Rim Territories, and was largely an empty, rocky world.
The limited number of life forms that managed to survive on the planet's unforgiving terrain were widely regarded as some of the most brutal and vicious entities in the galaxy.
This planet hosted a highly confidential research installation belonging to the Centrality Navy, where they engineered the technology of shield camouflage. Lehesu made a trip to Hosrel XI seeking assistance after his escape from the Imperial blockade at ThonBoka. In reaction, Hosrel Perimeter Control sent out code 666, ordering Yellow Nine squadron to look into the intruder. Much to Lehesu's shock and disappointment, the Centran fighters opened fire on him.
In the PC game Star Wars: Rebellion, the planet's name is rendered as "Hozrel XI." Furthermore, the game incorrectly locates the planet within the Moddell sector.