House Paramexor

During the era of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war/legends), a prominent organization within the [Bounty Hunters' Guild](/article/bounty_hunters%27_guild/legends) was known as **House Paramexor**, the **Paramexor Guild of Hunters,** or the **Paramexor hunting guild**. The [Guildmaster](/article/guild_master/legends), [Janq Paramexor](/article/janq_paramexor), mandated a strict code for the [bounty hunters](/article/bounty_hunter/legends) under his command: they were exclusively to pursue [bounties](/article/bounty/legends) placed on individuals guilty of murder, and they were forbidden from ever capturing and delivering a prisoner alive. The loyalty of House Paramexor's members was secured through the provision of various luxuries. Furthermore, the House possessed a unique [armorer droid](/article/armorer_droid) model, called the [House Paramexor Squire Armorer Droid](/article/house_paramexor_squire_armorer_droid).

To ensure personalized attention for each hunter during the Galactic Civil War, House Paramexor maintained a roster of fewer than one thousand active operatives. Among these hunters were individuals such as [Kal-tan-shi](/article/kal-tan-shi), [Reson Nath](/article/reson_nath), and [Sabran](/article/sabran).

## Organization

The entity referred to as House Paramexor, also known as the Paramexor Guild of Hunters or the Paramexor hunting guild, functioned as a private enterprise. It served both as a training ground for aspiring [bounty hunter](/article/bounty_hunter-legends) hopefuls and as their representative, connecting its member hunters with potential [bounties](/article/bounty-legends) for pursuit. House Paramexor held a position as one of the ten principal houses that comprised the [Bounty Hunters' Guild](/article/bounty_hunters%27_guild-legends).

Under the direction of [Guildmaster](/article/guild_master-legends) [Janq Paramexor](/article/janq_paramexor), the chief executive officer of the House, the hunters within his organization specialized in bounties related to murder or attempted murder. This focus was viewed by some in his field as a misuse of talent, while others saw it as a method for attracting highly motivated professionals. These bounty hunters specialized not only in hunting murderers but also in delivering their targets deceased; throughout Paramexor's history, no prisoner was ever brought in alive.

To be a hunter within House Paramexor, one was required to pay an annual fee of 300 [credits](/article/galactic_credit_standard-legends), in addition to 3% of the monetary reward from each bounty collected. Moreover, prospective hunters needed sponsorship from three existing members to gain entry into the House. The House's primary headquarters was situated on the [planet](/article/planet-legends) [Denevar](/article/denevar), and Paramexor's hunters frequently operated within the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds-legends) and the surrounding regions. While Paramexor lacked permanent offices in other areas, their hunters sometimes ventured there to track fugitives, occasionally crossing boundaries that law enforcement agencies could not.

House Paramexor engineered its own [armorer droid](/article/armorer_droid), known as the [House Paramexor Squire Armorer Droid](/article/house_paramexor_squire_armorer_droid). This droid was designed to repair and modify a hunter's equipment, provide information about available weaponry, and, when necessary, act as a sentry to safeguard the hunter's mobile base of operations. This hovering, five-foot-tall humanoid [robot](/article/droid) was not commercially available anywhere in the galaxy.

Denevar functioned as the seat of justice guild for the House. Accused hunters were subjected to a five-member jury trial under the orange-and-green banner of House Paramexor. The jury consisted of Guildmaster Janq Paramexor, his consort [Kaith](/article/kaith), a representative from the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire-legends), and two randomly selected members. Any aggrieved party, including non-members, could seek redress by challenging the hunter. If the verdict dictated, this could result in a duel where the injured party and the hunter would engage using [short swords](/article/short_sword). Withdrawing the charges after a verdict had been reached was also punishable.

## History

Janq Paramexor, a military [officer](/article/officer-legends) who became physically impaired in a duel, cultivated a profound appreciation for life during his recovery, coupled with an equally intense aversion to those who unjustly [end another's life](/article/death-legends). With the assistance of like-minded patrons, Paramexor established his own bounty hunter guild, dedicated to pursuing those who killed for either financial gain or personal pleasure. Confined to a mobile life support unit, Janq Paramexor was unable to personally engage in bounty hunting.

During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war-legends), House Paramexor comprised 623 active bounty hunters and 1,740 support staff. In an effort to offer individualized attention, Paramexor opted to maintain the total number of hunters below one thousand and insisted on providing them with all the luxuries he could afford. This fostered significant loyalty among his employees, who were prepared to fight to the death for him. Paramexor declined to broaden his operations beyond the pursuit of murderers.

By [1 ABY](/article/1_aby-legends), House Paramexor had risen to become one of the ten leading houses within the Bounty Hunter's Guild, with its distinctive reputation well-established. As the Galactic Empire began to exhibit a sudden interest in criminal organizations, [Scay Danson](/article/scay_danson) of the [Imperial Security Bureau](/article/imperial_security_bureau-legends) authored a report on the Bounty Hunters' Guild, which included House Paramexor. Throughout the remaining years of the Galactic Civil War, the influence of House Paramexor steadily increased.

## Notable members

Several members of House Paramexor maintained special arrangements with Janq Paramexor himself. The [Tiss'shar](/article/tiss%27shar) hunter [Kal-tan-shi](/article/kal-tan-shi) was both a member of House Paramexor and a personal friend of Janq Paramexor, despite Janq Paramexor's disapproval of Kal-tan-shi's personal animosity towards a non-member hunter, [Ssach'thirix](/article/ssach%27thirix). Kal-tan-shi owned a [Ghtroc](/article/ghtroc_industries-legends) [Class 720 freighter](/article/720_light_freighter-legends), named the [Accuser](/article/accuser_(720_light_freighter)), which House Paramexor was in the process of customizing and modifying. Following a successful career within the House, Kal-tan-shi departed from the Guild to pursue independent work, taking his [starship](/article/starship-legends) with him, even though the modifications were incomplete. After leaving Paramexor, Kal-tan-shi maintained his friendship with the Guildmaster, and they occasionally dined together.

[Reson Nath](/article/reson_nath), a female member of the House known for her contemptuous nature, compensated an [infochant](/article/information_broker-legends) who subsequently left the planet, much to the displeasure of Imperial [Prefect](/article/prefect-legends) [Adar](/article/adar_(imperial)). Adar formally accused Nath of knowingly aiding a fugitive, with the intention of subjecting her to Imperial law. However, Adar's superior, [Moff](/article/moff-legends) [Gorliz](/article/gorliz), deferred to Paramexor guild law. While Nath asserted her innocence, Adar's behavior during the trial tested Gorliz's patience. Gorliz and Janq Paramexor decided that Adar would duel Nath, knowing Adar was a worse fencer.

At some point, Janq Paramexor discovered that a navy [officer](/article/officer-legends) with a talent for languages had been unjustly accused and sent to an Imperial [slave](/article/slavery-legends) camp. Paramexor arranged the officer's escape at great expense, recognizing that her skills would be valuable to the House. The officer was sent to Paramexor's hunting preserve, where she was provided with a new identity, a new life, and training. From that point forward, known as [Sabran](/article/sabran), the former officer became a loyal member of the House.

## Behind the scenes

The first mention of House Paramexor appeared in _Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters_ ([1994](/article/1994)), which featured the short story _Guild Justice_. While this story identifies Janq Paramexor's consort, Kaith, as a member of the Paramexor jury, it does not explicitly state whether she was a member of the House itself.

