House Teraan was among the prominent Great Houses of Alderaan during the Cold War. The family was once owed a substantial amount of credits, with records kept inside a droid. The means to access this droid was located within their ancestral home on Alderaan. After a destructive conflict with House Baliss, House Teraan sought refuge with House Organa, and their ancestral estate was seized by House Baliss.
During the Cold War, an unidentified smuggler, aided by Risha Drayen, was employed to retrieve their missing droid. Upon its recovery, Cedonia Teraan and Lenn Teraan commissioned the smuggler to infiltrate their old estate. The mission was to retrieve information from their library detailing how to access the antique droid, which held the key to their family's restoration. After the droid was opened, it revealed that many families were in debt to House Teraan, and Cedonia left to confirm the data with the Royal Council.