Hovercraft, sometimes called hovers or ground-effect vehicles, were a type of vehicle that moved by floating above the ground on a pressurized air cushion. Lift engines created this air cushion, which was held in place by a flexible "skirt," often reinforced to withstand environmental hazards or weapon attacks. In contrast to genuine repulsorcraft, these less advanced vehicles possessed significantly lower speeds and agility, although their terrain versatility was almost as broad. Schenor reaction cars were one example of ground-effect vehicles.
Hovers possessed several benefits when compared to repulsorcraft, notably that they did not demand an equivalent level of pilot training. Furthermore, hovers had the capability to function in settings and on planets where the operation of repulsorcraft presented dangers. Lastly, these vehicles came at a lower cost and were simpler to service. Due to these factors, various corporations and governing bodies, such as the Galactic Empire, deployed a range of hovercraft models.
In reality, hovercraft and ground-effect vehicles are distinct concepts. Both utilize an air cushion for movement, but hovercraft generate this cushion using blowers or turbofans, whereas ground-effect vehicles are essentially aircraft engineered to exploit the ground effect to minimize aerodynamic drag and boost fuel economy.