
Hrrgn, a Wookiee hailing from the world of Kashyyyk, managed to break free from the spice mines on Kessel. He, along with Roshyk, Kirratha, and three other Wookiees, successfully avoided capture by the Galactic Empire during a period when such feats were exceptionally rare. After their daring escape, Hrrgn and his companions transitioned into the life of mercenaries, displaying a general disinterest in the political affairs of the New Republic. The smuggler Han Solo, holding the Wookiee escapees in low regard, viewed Hrrgn and his fellow escapees as some of the most unpleasant and hairy individuals he had ever encountered. Subsequently, Han Solo requested that his co-pilot Chewbacca reach out to them when an opportunity arose to liberate Kashyyyk from the Empire's control in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Hrrgn occurred in the novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015.

