Hugo Treece

Hugo Treece was a male Human from the Legends continuity. He held the position of Imperial commander and served as the governor of Cloud City after Darth Vader departed.


As an Imperial officer, Treece was stationed on multiple Star Destroyers. He experienced rapid promotions, eventually commanding the Imperial-class Punisher before assuming control of Cloud City.

While in charge of Cloud City, Treece made the decision to increase Tibanna gas production twofold. This was done to conceal his embezzlement of profits. This action forced the Ugnaught laborers to work beyond their physical limits, leading them to sabotage the facility by planting several talking bombs throughout Cloud City's structure.

The Imperials quickly evacuated the city, and Treece summoned a bombtrooper squad to defuse the bombs. Upon encountering their first bomb, the troopers were surprised to find it could speak. It feigned helpfulness in disarming itself, but it was actually instructing the troopers to arm it. The resulting explosion killed all the Imperials except Treece. Soon after, the former administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian, returned. The two men formed a temporary alliance to recover Lobot, who had also been injured by the Ugnaughts. Their goal was to repair Lobot and use him to deactivate the remaining bombs. They succeeded, but once all the bombs were located and disarmed, Treece betrayed Calrissian, pushing him off the Cloud City platform towards the Ugnaught Surface a kilometer below. Lobot quickly located a life-jet and jumped to rescue Calrissian, but Treece believed they were both doomed.

Rebel X-wing pilots Luke Skywalker and Shira Brie arrived at Cloud City to investigate Lando's disappearance. Treece used his blaster to suppress the two pilots and called for reinforcements. However, when more Imperial troops arrived, so did Lando and Lobot, aided by the Ugnaught Action Tidings news crew and their floatboat. Lando attempted to deceive Treece by claiming that if the Empire didn't abandon Cloud City, Lobot would reactivate the talking bombs, destroying the city. Treece countered this plan by shooting and disabling Lobot, who was apparently the only one capable of re-arming the bombs without triggering their self-destruct mechanisms. Luke then used the Force to re-arm the bombs and warned the Imperials to evacuate, even detonating several explosions to emphasize his point. The Imperials, including Treece, retreated and allowed Cloud City to resume full operation.

Lando sought revenge on Treece by sending the complete financial records of his stolen funds from Cloud City to Darth Vader's account on Aargau. Treece disappeared shortly afterward and was presumed to have been executed.

