
Huraloks were a sentient reptilian species native to the planet Djurmo. This species was infamous for its malicious nature, harboring deep-seated resentments towards other species, and even amongst themselves. These reptilians possessed an exceptionally long lifespan, with individuals known to survive up to approximately 350 years.

Their typical disposition encompassed traits such as hatred, avarice, treachery, and scheming. It was exceedingly rare to find any redeeming qualities within them. The animosity that Huraloks held for one another was so profound that procreation only occurred when their species faced imminent extinction. In most instances, Huraloks preferred isolation, delegating their malevolent tasks to subservient minions. Infrequently, they ventured across the galaxy either as mercenaries or as unscrupulous opportunists. Although some Huraloks exhibited Force-sensitivity, their inherent lack of commitment and altruism precluded them from ever becoming members of the Jedi Order.

Imperial Navy holodramas depicting battles against Huralok pirates were a widely enjoyed form of entertainment.

Typical Huralok Names

  • Ergihel Threk [1]
  • Fehkla Gorr [1]
  • Krad Dokahr [1]
  • Liirk Ranghul [1]

