During the Galactic Civil War, a Human named Hurdiss worked as a communications chief on the Executor, which was an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. He was a member of the Imperial Navy's communication specialists, and he was responsible for coordinating and monitoring the movements of Star Destroyer fleets in difficult tactical scenarios. In 3 ABY, which is a year, Hurdiss was stationed on the Executor when it was chasing the Rebel freighter Millennium Falcon through the Anoat system. The warship was in hot pursuit.
Hurdiss, an individual of the Human species, held the position of communication specialist within the Imperial Navy throughout the Galactic Civil War. His duties involved the coordination and monitoring of Star Destroyer fleet maneuvers during complex tactical engagements. By 3 ABY, a year in the galactic calendar, Hurdiss had risen to the rank of communications chief aboard the Executor, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The Executor served as the flagship for Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. That same year, following the discovery of a concealed Rebel base on the planet Hoth by a Viper probe droid, the Galactic Empire initiated a ground assault. This forced the Rebel Alliance to evacuate their headquarters. After the Imperial victory, the Executor, along with the Imperial-class Star Destroyers of Death Squadron, Vader's personal fleet, engaged in a pursuit of the freighter Millennium Falcon. The Falcon carried Han Solo and Leia Organa, Princess and fugitive Rebel operatives, after the vessel's escape into the Hoth asteroid field. Chief Hurdiss was on the Executor's bridge during this chase, working at his console when the warship lost track of the Millennium Falcon near the Anoat system. Vader instructed Admiral Firmus Piett, the commanding officer of the Star Dreadnought, to identify all possible escape routes and deploy Death Squadron in pursuit. Piett then passed these orders to Hurdiss, who acknowledged and assisted the Admiral in executing them. The Executor and the rest of Death Squadron then jumped into hyperspace to locate the Millennium Falcon.
Hurdiss had a light complexion and dark hair.
Hurdiss was seen wearing a light gray technician's uniform along with a dark gray cap that featured a headset comlink.
The character of Hurdiss made his debut as a technician aboard the Executor during the Empire's campaign on Hoth in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, released in 1980. He was portrayed by an uncredited extra. A film still featuring Hurdiss was included in The Empire Strikes Back Storybook, a version of the film adapted for young readers, which was released in April 1980, prior to the film's premiere. In April, the "Comm Chief" card from the Dagobah Limited expansion of Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game provided Hurdiss with a name and a brief background.