A Hutt counselor held a position of power, designated to manage affairs for a Hutt leader.
This role was initially established to stop the persistent, aggressive disputes that frequently arose between the Kajidics during the era of the Galactic Republic. Typically, these counselors were non-Hutts possessing deep understanding of Hutt political strategies, its intricacies, and the commercial activities involved. Because of the demands of the role, these counselors generally stayed with the family they were assigned to assist. This stemmed from the substantial amount of information concerning inter-clan political dynamics, making it difficult for an individual to continuously refresh their knowledge when working for a different family. In return for the opportunity, the Hutts expected absolute allegiance from their counselor, and violating this trust generally led to immediate execution. Nevertheless, a Hutt was prohibited from killing a counselor who had been involuntarily manipulated into causing shame or defrauding the Hutt Empire; punishments for such actions could be harsh, as demonstrated by members of the Vermilic clan.