The I2-CG droid was a storage and transceiving droid of the Imperial forces, deployed on Tech 4 PDV vessels. These droids were derived from the ED4 droid design produced by Cybot Galactica. If a Plexus Droid Vessel was at risk of being captured, it could release its I2-CG droids before initiating self-destruction, thus ensuring the droid's survival.
In the era of the Galactic Civil War, a Plexus Droid Vessel transporting data concerning Alliance to Restore the Republic starfighter production activities located on Tar Morden was ambushed. To prevent its capture, the vessel destroyed itself, but not before launching its I2-CG droid, which subsequently crashed on Goratak III. An Alliance team, under the command of former pirate Grindol Maal, engaged an Imperial group headed by bounty hunter Feskitt Bobb in a conflict to recover the droid.