Cargo loader droids functioned as labor droids created to manage and load freight transported aboard Imperial starships, for example the freighter known as Suprosa.
The Imperial cargo loader droid was a highly efficient labor machine that incorporated an approximately-humanoid upper section for cargo manipulation. A sizable lower section provided locomotion. These droids were large and intimidating, moving at a deliberate pace, but they featured exceptionally long, spring-powered arms that could pose a threat in combat scenarios. The dimensions of these models fluctuated based on the specific requirements of a given starship.

Various groups employed these droids, notably the Empire and the Imperial Remnant. The Rebel hero named Dash Rendar came across a particularly large model aboard the Imperial freighter, Suprosa. Furthermore, the Jedi Mara Jade observed these droids in action as the Lumini Pirates plundered a New Republic escort ship.