The Imperial Masticator was a compact, ball-shaped construction craft. These vessels were created by the engineer Bevel Lemelisk to aid in the building of both the Death Star battle station within the Horuz system, and the Death Star II battlestation located in the Endor system. These craft were an improved version of a previous Geonosian masticator design. Their function was to crush asteroids and smelt the resulting material into usable ore. This ore was then compressed by the masticators to create hull plating. Lemelisk designed these spherical machines so they could be readily disassembled and melted down, contributing to the station's construction materials, thus optimizing their utility.
- Death Star Owner's Technical Manual (First mentioned)
- " Caring for Your Death Star " — Star Wars Insider Special Edition 2014 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2014) (Picture only)