Imperial outpost (Naboo)

An Imperial military base existed within the Gallo Mountains of Naboo, a planet, throughout the time of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic civil_war/legends). In the early stages of that war, soldiers from the Rebel Alliance launched an assault on the base, defeating the Imperial soldiers present. The bodies of the fallen Imperials were left to rot after this battle. By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, the scout named Tinrilo x'Rilsam stumbled upon the base while he was investigating Naboo. The explorer found a large number of skeletal remains, but his investigation was cut short when Rebel soldiers, who were still guarding the area, arrived and caused him to make a hasty retreat.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial outpost appeared in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2003 by LucasArts and created by Sony Online Entertainment, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Imperial outpost was just one of many hidden landmarks scattered across Naboo. After the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion was launched in 2004, it became possible to sometimes loot rare data storage unit items during space combat. One of these data storage units, called "an Explorer's Log (2/8)," provided an in-depth history of the outpost.

