Independent Company of Settlers

The Independent Company of Settlers emerged as an organization comprised of individuals devoted to the Imperial Remnant, seeking a peaceful existence separate from the influence of the New Republic. This group consisted of approximately 3,000 individuals, largely composed of former officers from the Imperial Navy, who had become disillusioned with the persistent political maneuvering within the Empire. President Natasi Daala, along with her second-in-command Yelnor, spearheaded this endeavor.

Following her initial departure from Imperial Starfleet, former Admiral Daala, possessing a fleet of vessels, embarked on a journey across various worlds, seeking a suitable location where they could maintain allegiance to the New Order and avoid integration into the New Republic. Ultimately, they reached an agreement with K'iin to establish a settlement on the planet Pedducis Chorios. Nevertheless, the planet was afflicted by the Death Seed plague, forcing the colonists to defend themselves when the New Republic arrived in the system to address the situation.

