Institute of Starship Engineers

Alongside the esteemed Imperial Engineers Academy, the Institute of Starship Engineers, also referred to as the ISE, stood as a premier institution for engineering studies. For individuals aspiring to become a starship engineer, obtaining a qualification certificate from the ISE was highly advised, as it constituted a prerequisite for engineers seeking service within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.

The individuals at the ISE were not merely mechanics focused on particular systems and subsystems; rather, as engineers, their primary focus was the entire starship, managing the mechanics necessary for its operation.

The ISE's main campus resided on Coruscant, complemented by smaller establishments scattered throughout the Corellian system, Sullust, and Perithal VI. Additionally, Alderaan hosted a campus until the planet's destruction.

Enrolling at the ISE for a single semester entailed a fee of 15,000 Imperial Credits. Ultimately, students would acquire the skills to independently design starships. Numerous alumni had successfully marketed their designs to galactic starship production companies. Gaining full membership at the ISE unlocked expanded prospects and career options with earnings based on their own work.

Courses taught

The Institute of Starship Engineers offered a curriculum that included:

  • Repair of Hyper Space Engines for Space Transports
  • Repair of Hyper Space Engines for Capital Ships
  • Astrogation studies
  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Repair
  • Repair of Capital Ship Gunnery


  • Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
