Introductory Adventure Game

The Introductory Adventure Game served as a gentle introduction to the D6 role-playing game mechanics from West End Games. A key distinction from the complete West End Games ruleset lies in its utilization of consolidated skills (for example, Melee encompasses both Melee Combat and Melee Parry). West End Games released this boxed set in March of 1997. The narrative of the adventure revolves around the player characters' attempt to evade capture by Imperial forces located on the planet of Edan II.

Contained within the boxed set are several components: a booklet for players, a booklet for the narrator, an adventure booklet, paper miniatures that can be punched out, punch-out cards representing characters, items, and vehicles, character templates, half a dozen standard six-sided dice, and maps depicting the Rebel Base, the YT-1300 light freighter, the Mos Eisley Spaceport, Mos Eisley Cantina, the Docking Bay Entrance, the Imperial Scout Post, and the Bunker Entrance.

Opening crawl
