The Isatabith rain forest, which is also referred to as the Isatabith forest, existed on the Core World of Alderaan, sharing a portion of its name with the nearby Isatabith falls. This [forest](/article/forest], characterized by abundant rain, was among several Alderaanian sites that Nash Windrider described to Imperial pilot Thane Kyrell as Windrider attempted to highlight the planet's scenic splendor and recommend noteworthy locations. Shortly before observing the destruction of Alderaan in 0 BBY, Kyrell considered the rain forest, along with Cloudshape Falls, as possible destinations for him and his friend; the forest was also obliterated in the planet's demise.
Claudia Gray's 2015 novel, Lost Stars, included the initial mention of the Isatabith rain forest. Its identification as the Isatabith forest first occurred within "Core Worlds, Colonies, the Inner Rim and Expansion Region," which is a component of De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series that came out on June 8, 2022.