
Iscerian, a language originating from the planet of Iscera, was utilized within the Dalchon sector situated in the Outer Rim Territories. It was also spoken by Deke Holman, a Socorran Human who was a member of the Rebel Alliance, in addition to his previous occupations as both a smuggler and a mercenary.

Holman and his commanding officer, Captain Fable Astin, were in attendance at a showing of For the Want of an Empire at an Isceran theater during 0 ABY. During this performance, Astin's interest was piqued by the lead actor, Jaalib Brandl, who was Force-sensitive, and his swordfighting abilities. Remembering that Holman possessed knowledge of Iscerian, she requested that he arrange a meeting with Brandl for her through the theater's owner. The Socorran responded with a muttered complaint, but he successfully located Brandl after the play's conclusion, facilitating the meeting between Astin and the actor.

Behind the scenes

The short story "Uhl Eharl Khoehng," penned by Patricia A. Jackson and featured in the November 1995 eighth issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal, a magazine by West End Games, made mention of Iscerian.

