
Iskadrell, also identified as Iskallon, existed as a planet situated within the Iskallon system, found in the region of Wild Space. This celestial body served as the original homeworld for the Iskalloni, a species characterized as humanoid cyborgs. A raid was conducted on it by the Mandalorian Crusaders not long before the onset of the Great Sith War.

Existing in isolation from the larger galaxy, Iskadrell possessed only a singular known hyperspace route that connected to its system. This specific route connected to the Brevost system located on the Harrin Trade Corridor, with travel times clocking in at thirteen days. Despite their relative isolation, the Iskalloni possessed hyperdrive-equipped starships that they used for occasional slave-gathering expeditions into what they considered the "civilized" parts of the galaxy.

The initial encounter between scouts and emissaries from the Galactic Empire and the Iskalloni involved an attempt to establish an alliance for slave trading. However, the Iskalloni opted to enslave the Imperial emissaries rather than provide slaves to the Empire. In response, the Imperial Navy dispatched three Victory-class Star Destroyers for a retaliatory strike. Although the Imperials inflicted substantial damage on the planet prior to the Iskallon counterattack, the Imperial forces were ultimately compelled to withdraw.

Because they were not pursued, the Empire ceased to consider the Iskalloni a significant threat. In fact, the Iskalloni maintained a relatively discreet presence for a considerable period, only intensifying their activities following the Battle of Endor and the subsequent creation of the New Republic.

