Ivixa Delbaeth

Ivixa Delbaeth was a Jedi Master of the Human species. She was a member of the Jedi Order during the peak era of the Galactic Republic.


Ivixa Delbaeth, a Human who was Force-sensitive, received education from the Jedi Order in the mysteries of the Force. After many years of committed service and learning, she attained the rank of Jedi Master. Building on the groundwork established by Master Morrit Ch'gally, Master Delbaeth, along with fellow Master Fin-So-Rowan, successfully realized Master Ch'gally's vision of a large praxeum ship. Around 500 BBY, the Jedi High Council gave their approval for the construction of this vessel, named the Chu'unthor.

Delbaeth and Rowan, holding the belief that the Jedi Order had grown too complacent while based on Coruscant, spearheaded the Chu'unthor's first class across the expanse of the Republic. They taught their students the ways of the Jedi and provided them with knowledge of the galaxy. Despite the mobile academy's outstanding results, the High Council chose not to commission the construction of additional ships to compensate for ships previously lost. Delbaeth and Rowan expressed their dissatisfaction with the Council's choice, even after presenting evidence indicating a decline in the number of Jedi Initiates being inducted into the Order.


  • Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (First mentioned)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 95 (CHU 1-2: Chu'unthor)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
