J. M. Meulenhoff

J. M. Meulenhoff Publishers (*M=_sf_X), often referred to as J. M. Meulenhoff or simply Meulenhoff, is a publishing house located in Amsterdam. Johannes Marius Meulenhoff established it on September 15, 1895.

The publishing company J. M. Meulenhoff releases both original Dutch works and translated novels, poetry collections, essay collections, and non-fiction works from other languages. Following the decision by A. W. Bruna to discontinue publishing them, this company became the publisher of the Dutch versions of Star Wars books. The crime, science fiction, and fantasy imprints of Meulenhoff were merged with the science fiction and fantasy imprint of Het Spectrum in 2002, resulting in the creation of Uitgeverij M, which then assumed responsibility for publishing the Star Wars books.

Star Wars bibliography

Notes and references
