The Jade, a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, was utilized and possessed by the Bothan Spynet. Its period of activity was during 4 ABY.
In the time leading up to the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic came to the realization that they required technical specifications regarding the Galactic Empire's Death Star II to ascertain its operational readiness and vulnerabilities. They requested assistance from their Bothan comrades, renowned for their espionage skills, leading to discussions between the Alliance and the Bothan Spynet. The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser known as the Tal'cara arrived at a secret meeting location with the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser named Liberty, and a group was sent to negotiate with the Rebels. The Jade shuttle was selected to carry the group from the Tal'cara to the Liberty, but immediately after it launched, a large mercenary strike force attacked the Bothans, with the passengers aboard the Jade being one of their primary objectives. The Rebels and their Bothan allies quickly moved to defend the Jade when it was attacked by Authority IRDs. In spite of the strong opposition, the Jade continued its trajectory toward the Liberty, successfully landing on the ship without incident.
Following the Bothan Spynet's agreement to dispatch operatives to the Death Star II, the Jade departed from the Liberty and returned to the Tal'cara. It was once more subjected to an assault by hostile forces, but the Rebels rescued the delegation on the Jade, enabling it to escape alongside the remaining Bothan forces.