Jari Orez

Jari Orez, a Mirialan Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order, was a male who served the Galactic Republic. He fought beside his comrade, Aelan Kalder, during the era known as the Cold War.


In the time of the Galactic War, Jari and Aelan became part of Guardian Hold Six on Corellia, where they fought the Empire. While on Corellia, Jari was inspecting the sentries when his friend turned on him, revealing himself as a Child of the Emperor. During their forced confrontation, Jari felt no darkness within Aelan, indicating he could be redeemed from the dark side.

Upon the arrival of the Barsen'thor to aid Corellia, Jari tasked the Jedi Consular with destroying an Imperial factory on Corellia. He also requested that they stop Aelan from spreading chaos across the world. Jari perceived that Aelan still possessed goodness, a part of his former self struggling against the influence of the dark side. When the Jedi was compelled to duel and defeat Aelan, Jari appeared and knelt beside his fallen friend, grieving his loss.

