Jerjerrod was a male Human admiral in the Galactic Republic Navy. Due to his prosperous family, Jerjerrod was an associate of the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and this connection benefited the admiral's family significantly. Jerjerrod sent multiple formal complaints to Naval Command regarding his worries about the Navy's acquisition practices of that time. However, when these reports were released to the media, the admiral was ordered to provide testimony to the Procurement Panel of the Senate Naval Subcommittee. Before Senators Gopple and V'troren, Jerjerrod defended his stance and claimed innocence, implying that another dissatisfied member of the military had publicized the contents of his reports.
Jerjerrod, a male Human admiral in the Galactic Republic's Navy, came from a wealthy family on the Core World of Tinnel IV. Being allied with Palpatine, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Jerjerrod's family gained advantages from this association with the Chancellor.

Jerjerrod grew concerned about the Navy's procurement procedures, understanding that all equipment used—from starships to weaponry—was the outcome of negotiations between the Galactic Senate and various commercial entities, and that much of the equipment used by the Republic's adversaries was likely taken from the military. The admiral submitted multiple reports regarding the issue to superiors and colleagues in Naval Command; a lot of these reports were later leaked to the media. Suspected of being responsible for the leaks, Jerjerrod was called to appear before the Procurement Panel of the Senate Naval Subcommittee.
The admiral was questioned by Senator Gopple from the planet Erigorm and Senator V'troren, both serving on the Procurement Panel. Gopple accused Jerjerrod of trying to undermine the Republic's trust in the Navy, but the admiral insisted that he had followed proper channels in filing the reports, denying any responsibility for the leak. V'troren remained unconvinced, believing the admiral was the only one with a strong enough reason to release the reports to the media. Jerjerrod responded by suggesting that many dissatisfied soldiers within the military might have wanted the admiral's reports made public. Tiaan Jerjerrod, who would become an Imperial Moff and commander of the second Death Star, was Jerjerrod's grandson.
Jerjerrod was known for being passionate and determined, traits that his grandson, Tiaan, would lack. The admiral was particularly worried about the Republic Navy's procurement policies, which led him to write several reports to Naval Command on the subject. When the contents of these documents were leaked to the public, and when the admiral was summoned before the Naval Subcommittee's Procurement Panel, Jerjerrod denied any responsibility for the leak, suggesting instead that his views were shared by many members of the military and that any of them could have been responsible for the breach.
Jerjerrod's character initially appeared in "Admiral Jerjerrod's Testimony," which is a brief series of questions and answers between Jerjerrod and two senators. This was written by Greg Gorden and presented as a segment of an in-universe record in the 1989 first edition of the Imperial Sourcebook.